Cadenza is a 5 year UKRI-funded project involving four UK Universities and associated industrial partners. The aim of the project is to organise open challenges for music processing algorithms to improve the listening experience for those with hearing impairment.
Workshop – 8th December 2023
We are now pleased to announce the 1st Cadenza Workshop for Machine Learning Challenges to Improve Music Listening for People with a Hearing Impairment. This will be a four-hour online event taking place on the 8th of December, starting at 12:00 GMT (07:00 US East / 20:00 Taipei Time).
The event will summarise the work that the team has carried out so far, which includes a sensory evalaution study to explore perceptions of audio quality among hearing-impaired listeners and derive scales to be used in listening experiments, the development and implementation of the first ever machine learning challenge targeted to improve music for those with a hearing impairment, and the results of a listener panel study in which people with hearing impairments have rated the systems that challenge entrants have developed. There will also be guest speakers talking on a range of topics including the development of a musical scene analysis test and remixing music for people with hearing impairment.
You can register for free here: