We are conducting research into the music listening behaviour of people (aged 18 and over) with hearing loss and who wear hearing aids for a minimum of one hour a day. As part of this study we have developed an online survey and would like to recruit as many participants as possible to take part.
To participate you will have
- have a confirmed hearing loss (e.g. mild, moderate, severe or profound),
- wear hearing aid(s) (but NOT a cochlear implant),
- are between 18-90 years old
A BSL version of all the information and questions is available in the questionnaire
We will ask you about your
- experiences of music in everyday life,
- musical preferences
- hearing
- hearing aids
It should take about 30 minutes to complete and you will remain anonymous. If you leave your contact details, you will be entered into a prize draw to win one of three £75 cash prizes. Winners will be selected at random and notified in JANUARY 2017.
All the information we collect about you will be kept confidential and you will not be identifiable in any reports or publications.
The survey is available by clicking here
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Email: musicandhearingaids@leeds.ac.uk
Text mobile: 07763648802
If you would be willing to follow us on Twitter @musicndeafness and retweet information about the survey that would be greatly appreciated.
If you do not wear hearing aids yourself, but know someone who does who might be willing to take part, please forward the following link: http://tinyurl.com/musicandhearingaids
Many thanks
‘Music and Hearing Aids team’